The Synodalsoft project

We realize that our intellectual work needs more than a few developers. On the other hand we have no plans of becoming ourselves big. That’s why we are doing our best to help the Lino community become a big one. See also Our choices.

We want our intellectual work to be sustainably free: usable for everybody and forever. To ensure this at the legal level, we plan to donate our copyright to a non-profit organization.

We did not yet find any non-profit organization that agrees to our sole but firm condition: a promise that they will never publish any non-free content.

The FSF satisfies our condition and has a process in place for such donations (GNU Software Evaluation page), but already the application process would require much work from our side and we are afraid that they would refuse our donation because Lino doesn’t “fit to their portfolio”. The world of Free Software is diverse, and not everybody can directly collaborate with everybody else.

That’s why we work on expressing how a new non-profit organization might look like. The website is our suggestion.